04:15:42 ErCiccione[m]: thanks for making the dev meeting issues 05:54:15 No problem 06:37:08 rdymac: those look delicious 15:40:32 rdymac: wrong room 15:47:38 is there a Tari chat group for random-offtopic memes? 16:32:22 <[discord] Kayla#5718>: bridge should be back online, forgot to pay the internet thingy, sowry about that 17:54:54 rdymac: #tari ? 20:41:29 my little weekend project, kind of neat I think: http://sci-comp.gitlab.io/blog/post/2020-07-12-arbitrage/ 21:30:41 (oops, timestamp error, disregard my above post :P ) 23:45:53 Since the Hangouts work involves updating the spritesheet which I don't want to accidentally break as it's not just a simple CSS/HTML update per say, just created an issue instead: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/1077