03:21:09 sgp_ or xmrscott[m] or needmoney90 can you help me test a mic on Jitsi? 03:22:54 In like 40 min I'll be in a place to 03:23:53 I'm in the middle of another convo, maybe late? 04:02:51 I got it 04:02:52 thanks :)] 11:26:50 Reminder: Monero Village meeting today at 18:00 UTC on #monero-defcon. 14:15:06 did anything come from the other day's spitball? that is, supporting sex worker rights 15:05:34 Is that channel going to be relayed to the matrix, or should one join using irc? 15:20:47 dixie__flatline[ I'm not sure if we have a Matrix bridge on the Defcon channel like we do here. It would be safest to have IRC access in case the Matrix relay doesn't exist. 15:45:27 I understand. 15:46:11 so, which irc channels are relayed to #monero-community:matrix.org ? 16:09:10 msvb-web: -defcon is relayed on matrix 16:10:03 dixie__flatline: ^ 16:10:46 thanks. is it on this matrix channel, or should I join another matrix channel, too? 16:13:18 I don't know if it i'll show up under Matrix channels, but if you're using the stock client for desktop you would just change the dropdown to 'freenode' and do #monero-defcon amd hit enter/join 16:13:55 Which is presumably how you joined -community 16:14:40 Or put another way, same way you joined -community should work for -defcon I would think 16:15:01 so, you say, join #monero-defcon:matrix.org ? 16:15:24 well, that channel doesn't exist on matrix.org 16:15:37 dixie__flatline: there is a list of freenode room relayed on matrix on the matrix monero community: +monero:matrix.org 16:15:55 * dixie__flatline: there is a list of freenode rooms relayed on matrix on the matrix monero community: +monero:matrix.org 16:16:17 Thhere are also some matrix native rooma 16:16:42 I see. 16:17:10 https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/wiki/Guide:-How-to-use-Matrix-to-participate-in-IRC-rooms 16:19:15 I should really create something on the community page that references that community link on the hangout website page this weekend... 16:20:43 yeah, changing the hangouts page is on my list too. Right now we only refer to freenode rooms 16:20:54 that would be helpful. 16:21:57 I shod have time tomorrow to do it. Need to create a custom orange Discord icon as well for it 17:30:21 -xmr-pr- [meta] erciccione opened issue #485: Dev Meeting July 19th, 17:00 UTC: Network upgrade 17:30:21 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/485 20:51:26 fluffypony, when Tari? 20:51:35 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/55RZPWq0/IMG_2555.JPG 20:51:57 Is...is that label in Papyrus? 21:52:55 :thinking: