00:01:53 awesome 00:01:58 Aha! Website probably found. Presumed price seem reasonable :) 00:02:19 how many bottles from 1 cask? 00:03:15 500 00:03:56 cool 00:06:10 xmrscott[m]: it will be more expensive than their standard offering I'm afraid 00:06:38 Of that I have no doubt. I imagine it would probably be 28-50euro 00:06:57 The only question is if the ordine minimo applies in this case 00:07:11 1 bottle is minimum 00:07:28 but there will be a max per person 00:08:04 I will drink no winery before its time 00:08:15 oh, it's time 00:08:19 lol 00:08:24 https://www.wine.com/product/bruno-giacosa-barolo-falletto-2014/422598?state=NY&s=GoogleBase_CSE_422598NY_type_Wine_RedWine_Nebbiolo_11808&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Google_Shopping_NY_Smart_Relaunch&showpromo=true&promo=PSCASE10&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgIveodzN6QIVi7bICh2uJgFMEAQYASABEgK5v_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds# 00:08:43 error 405 niocbrrrrrr 00:09:15 Will details on when ordering is live be made public here? I love this 00:09:33 infinitejest-: must be blocked by region 00:09:37 I get no 405. Maybe a country code thing 00:09:58 maybe my VPN 00:10:00 showing bottle reduced from $250 to $219 00:10:14 I'm running a US based VPN FWIW 00:10:28 Or I should say, node is US based 00:10:51 works for me https://www.wine.com/product/bruno-giacosa-barolo-falletto-2014/422598# 00:11:00 FM20xmr: yes I'll post here and on monero reddit I guess 00:11:17 there is a wide difference in prices, the vintage year only indicates potential 00:11:20 I wonder if anyone will ever make a Monero themed mead... I would buy so many bottles (if I could) 00:11:54 and 2014 had great potential 00:12:06 infinitejest-Sounds great 00:12:16 hmmmmmm I just hooked up with a mead company in Ireland a couple days ago 00:12:26 you first have to accidentally be a little drunk and create the meme by glitching IRC bridges xmrscott[m] 00:12:35 true 00:12:53 .barolo 00:12:54 I just opened a 2004 barolo in your and all the devs honor -- https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-JvdfsIeb-s/hqdefault.jpg 00:12:57 without the meme, it's just mead 00:13:24 I once bought a 2004 Barolo for 50€ 00:13:31 but drank it already :( 00:13:36 .mead 00:13:40 ^^ 00:14:52 selsta: was it as heavy as the one I had....I was so tipsy after 2 glasses 00:14:57 hyc: Good one meadery I trust? What's the name if I may be so bold? 00:15:05 https://www.kinsalemeadco.ie/mead-shop/ 00:15:28 infinitejest-: yea I remember it being strong lol 00:17:19 Ah bummer, they don't ship to the US southwest 00:23:15 I wonder how anyone still ships alcoholics to the US. The regulations are a joke 00:24:14 irish couriers can't do it at all 00:24:44 the winery and I seriously contemplated to exclude the US after some first probes 00:27:10 Well glad that didn't end up happening 00:30:39 we'll try although some states have to stay excluded 00:30:53 I'm still finding out which exactly 00:31:04 Ok, good to know 00:32:05 so far I'm only certain on Illinois...some law that says only registered wine importers can receive wine from abroad, not private persons 00:33:27 so get a "distributor" in the US 00:34:07 niocbrrrrrr: I know but is it worth the hassle for the limited amount of bottles I have? 00:34:46 quotes mean only cost is extra shipping 00:35:12 which probably results in the same outcome 00:35:15 hm? 00:41:49 I just dug out this pic from when the wineyard owners invited us to lunch after the "business" 00:41:59 from 1 PM to 4 PM lol 00:42:12 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/aN4eXLxG/excess.jpg 00:44:18 infinitejest-That is so cool :) I love that 00:44:39 they are so wholesome and happy, it was heartwarming 00:44:46 200 years in the same business 00:45:25 shoulda posted the before pic first 00:45:37 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/K4UBnPEx/before.jpg 00:46:39 and while we're at it this is the village of Barolo in the valley: 00:46:50 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/mk2w60nm/village.jpg 00:49:00 Population of 750 as of 2009 02:28:04 I will stream SCP game if people would find that fun 02:28:27 xmrscott[m]: join meh 02:36:50 rehrar: On a walk w/ fam atm, sorry :( 02:37:11 nuuu 04:58:56 Gotta enjoy this weird week and a half spell where it's cool enough to dine outside and stroll about before it hits 110 by the end of the week :S 05:20:36 https://www.wired.com/story/inside-the-nsas-secret-tool-for-mapping-your-social-network/ 13:26:14 y'all are going to be like 13:26:15 wut 13:37:27 i'm slightly lucky to know this but i dont actually subscribe to the bullshit asymmetry principle. it may be easier to make up bullshit than be correct but the statement that the community is more easily fooled by bullshit than the truth (the effect of refuting it) is actually a statement that the community is more than 50% ignorant and that they lack the ability to tell facts from a story in passing 13:37:39 so "Brandolini's law" is no law at all 13:37:46 it assumes an open, global system in which there will be more people you can fool 13:38:00 but the influx of people to monero is limited, and we also have quite the sticking power, so that works to my advantage 13:38:29 not only can individuals confirm things for themselves and decide on their own, but there are certain things that can refute a lot of bullshit at once 13:38:32 more powerful you might say 13:39:13 no matter how much bs is published - no matter how many senseless experiences i go through or how many times i'm lied to, it's not going to convince me to give up on right and wrong 13:39:23 there are people out there in this community who do still know right and wrong 13:39:32 or who value it 13:40:25 i'm not so stupid as to go online, knowingly stake my reputation after having run a very complicated company quite well despite al kinds of fuckery 13:40:29 and then post a bunch of lies 13:40:36 there were one or two minor mistakes 13:40:39 but wake up sheeple :) 13:40:45 i think of these "laws" are actually "adages" 13:40:53 laws can be perceived though 13:41:01 they just need to turn a constant to a variable there 13:41:03 or maybe a function 13:41:15 no, laws are written in legal frameworks 13:41:16 the "fixed point" was "assuming an open system" 13:41:21 that's one kind of law lol 13:41:32 laws are written in laws sometimes too 13:41:34 :P 13:41:43 like here's a law 13:41:55 "if you assume the axiom of choice then x, y, and z are definite consequences and you cant change that" 13:41:58 it's not made up by men 13:42:00 only the choice of axiom is 13:42:01 but alas 13:42:06 maybe that's too abstract for this chatroom 13:42:34 i'd rather talk about monero stuff anyway 13:42:40 like you and i can talk 13:42:43 monero? never heard of him! 13:42:48 if we talk for 10 minutes and i give you all kinds of info 13:42:56 and someone comes along and says 10 minutes of less substantial info 13:43:01 the things you confirmed will remain 13:43:12 manero? 13:43:14 monroe? 13:43:19 count montenegro 3rd? 13:44:00 midipoet: maybe you were just trying to show brandolini's law 13:44:05 cause you said something weird 13:44:10 *makes a mark* 13:45:19 *I*(?!) said something weird? 13:46:58 hahaha let's say out of character from what you've represented 13:47:02 but maybe not 13:47:08 we have to be so careful how we categorize things 13:47:16 we need to check everything very carefully.... ourselves 13:47:22 one of the easiest things for a third party to do is make us doubt someone 13:47:30 especially when we dont want what that person says to be true :P 13:47:33 bec ause it sucks 13:47:42 even if there is a good path out of it 13:48:12 if we assume men can write human laws laws (or that we can only write adages - can't arrive at natural laws) 13:48:18 -laws 13:48:23 then the notion we cant write laws is self contradictory 13:48:26 because we dont know if we can or not 13:48:43 greed is one of the things that can distort worldviews 13:48:46 greed comes in different forms 13:49:29 sometimes it comes in the form of wanting someone to agree with us before conceding what they want, or even not reciprocating due to believing the other doesn't deserve fairness 13:51:57 good point about natural/physical laws. i stand corrected. 13:53:09 having said that, i am not sure if the same applies to sociological/psychological phenomenon - but happy to be corrected. 13:53:31 information theory underlies physics, realistically 13:53:35 it's the next step 13:53:44 we work by the same things 13:53:49 and the same rules apply 13:54:00 i can spend a lot of effort personally in order to set every possible counterargument right 13:54:18 meanwhile it only takes people's imagination to come up with likely sounding but very, very wrong counterarguments 13:54:24 i see that Law can also be passed down by God. so yeah - anything goes 13:54:28 and one person to be like yeah doubt him he asks you for something 13:54:45 So by that token, Brandolini's Law is probably allowed? 13:54:48 he wants you to do something for yourself like exercise or study or meditation which is hard so, doubt… it's easier 13:54:54 yes it exists but it's not a Law 13:54:58 it's an insult to the community 13:55:01 it says you guys are dumb 13:55:03 you wont check 13:55:09 you will be fooled by the same thing 13:55:13 you dont value yourselves 13:55:24 how can you prove that, if Law's can be passed down by God - or apply to Information Theory (as we have already agreed) 13:55:31 *Laws 13:55:39 sorry but i'm talking about Monero here. 13:55:42 you're free to ping me. 13:56:17 would, but have to work. enjoy 13:56:35 LOL 13:56:53 anyway guys there's a lot of BS out there 13:56:56 why do you think that is 13:58:28 because the truth (whatever that is) is difficult to understand for most (if not all) people 14:05:04 that's not really true 14:05:15 here's another interesting point 14:05:22 when someone sees something as it really is, it 14:05:27 's really difficult for them to lie about it 14:05:36 when someone cant see things, it's really difficult or impossible for them to speak of things as they are 14:06:37 if someone can lie so much then how close to the truth were they 14:06:57 did they observe it as things developed, were they involved 14:06:58 i always thought things were relative. most single points of determination being some multi-axis intersubjective point of reflection. 14:10:53 the truth means facts as they are 14:11:22 if you are going to debate the existence of facts, we dont operate in the same world 14:11:45 or maybe i can be told facts dont exist so people can do whatever they want 14:11:47 wake. up. 14:11:55 truth does come out 14:12:03 it's usually a long time later though 14:12:25 pitchforks out! we don't agree! 14:12:32 it's a fact "such and such said this" 14:12:34 haha good 14:12:37 you'll need them 14:12:40 I prefer alternative facts 14:17:52 personally i dont like getting played 14:18:28 i used to give people the benefit of the doubt a lot 14:18:40 it's normal to believe what someone tells you with a straight face i think 14:19:17 but anyway, i expected the result 14:19:23 what do you think i've been so worried about 14:23:49 it's funny, thinking about it in retrospect 14:23:55 it really boggles my mind how fucked up and convoluted it is 14:24:03 that's the only way it would have worked, too 14:24:06 obviously 14:25:37 how about this 14:25:43 every person i've told has had their mouth drop open 14:25:58 i want to give the community reasons to uncover the truth 14:26:08 time is also a factor 14:26:13 how you accept what happens is based on how you feel now 14:26:19 i ask the community to be aware 14:31:24 matter of fact refuting bullshit is about as easy as publishing cryptographic proofs, records, receipts, … 14:31:40 even if it sucks because of personal danger 14:31:56 you all get to choose what you have in the future 14:32:06 presenting you with narratives is to constrain what you think you can choose 14:32:23 i was correct years ago when i said monero is most vulnerable to social attacks 14:40:40 for what it's worth, nothing was particularly unexpected in the reaction from some people 14:40:45 but i didn't expect people to lie that badly 14:40:57 it doesnt matter to me but i'm here to let you know :) 14:41:23 and for what it's worth, i, personally, am most certainly am facing legal issues 14:41:31 only after making decisions after being lied to extensively 14:41:36 i'm fine, don't worry 14:41:44 it's pretty much all bs anyway 14:41:55 but the community has a choice here 14:42:07 which is interestingly, what i wrote in my post 14:42:23 i 14:42:27 'ma focus back on building now 14:50:14 i was also called a thief hahahah 14:50:17 just realized 14:50:21 ok 15:08:42 look at this shameless misspelling of monero 15:09:04 https://www.trylinux.today/distro/manjaro 15:12:26 > look at this shameless misspelling of monero 15:12:27 Where? 15:12:36 where can i spend my manjaros? 15:15:42 https://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php/Manjaro_FAQ#How_is_.27Manjaro.27_Pronounced.3F 15:16:19 Blame the shameless misspelling of Monero on the Africans then 15:16:34 i remember ubuntu 15:16:42 the sentiment i mean 21:31:45 * xmrscott[m] is very confused 21:32:02 Is someone trying to burn endogenic? 21:32:34 i'll be ok 21:32:38 * xmrscott[m] sees nothing particularly crazy on subreddit 21:32:54 indeed 21:33:01 dont worry 21:35:28 Ah, something to do with the CCS I take it? :( 21:35:52 Given the page not found 21:36:57 Whatever is I imagine the channel regulars have endogenic 's back if there's any aid one could provide 21:37:17 they do not 21:37:21 sound the alarms 21:37:35 i'm going into hiding virtually 21:37:38 i dont know who to trust 21:37:44 except a small number 21:37:48 time to get this shit done 21:37:52 i always knew 21:38:08 i'm a survivor. been training for this i guess 21:38:17 and this isnt a stunt fwiw 21:38:25 all this shit is real 21:38:39 anyway 21:38:41 time to stfu 21:38:54 i'm the one with the secret ideas 21:39:08 funny how so many people claimed i could trust them just to get info 22:10:59 Alright, best of luck with your ideas. Shame about all the legal drama, hopefully you're able to sort through it quickly endogenic so you can focus on stuff of interest 22:11:43 (And be in a better place env/emotionally. I can only begin to imagine the stress compounded by a pandemic)